LAURA TWEEDALE | Offset Floral


There aren’t many things that can instantly transport you to that ‘wish you were here with me’ feeling; except for the humble, little postcard.

You may have found me because of my book, The Joy of Reusable Nappies, or because you are interested in the simple pleasures of mindful living and a conscious home. However you’ve found me, I welcome you.

I write to inspire, galvanise and simplify life on the themes of green, sustainable living, intentional parenting and the joy of living with less. I’ll share with you what’s inspiring me right now, of which I think you might find uplifting too. I’ll let you know about podcasts, books, articles or maybe the odd poignant Instagram post, as well as my own recent blog posts, articles or events you may be interested in. I’ll include what I’m growing, the seeds I’ve sown and why, and how our big ‘escape to the country’ adventure is unfolding. And, being a minimalist, I promise not to bombard you with communications - I send just one considered postcard a month (and you can unsubscribe any time.).

These postcards are exclusively for subscribers. I’ll send them from wherever I am in the world, whatever is going on, but with one thing always remaining true - I write them from my heart to yours.

I wish you were here.



 The Little Postcards

simple - seasonal - sustainable