A live reading from my book: The Joy of Reusable Nappies

On Tuesday 20 October 2020, I woke up a published author. I had done it. A goal I set out to achieve back in 2008 when I started my Master’s in Creative Writing, which got waylaid by life along the way, suddenly became reality. I had gone to university in the conviction I would write fiction (YA to be precise.). But try as I might, and despite the writing developing perfectly well, I just couldn’t muster the energy to finish that manuscript. It took a dash of chance (hyperemesis gravidarum) and a drop of fate (#clothmadesimple) to put me on the non fiction path. In just four days I had written the bones of The Joy of Reusable Nappies. Once I began, the structure appeared like a simple puzzle before my eyes and the words flowed out like a flood. Then with the support of my peers, friends and family, I grew the book into what you can find on bookshelves today. I am still in wonder every single moment that I did it. (Did I? Or is this just a cruel dream?) I am a published author. There, I said it. I will try to believe it a little more every time I write or say those words.

‘All this is because of you, Mum and Dad. Thank you - and sorry I was such a goofy kid!’

‘All this is because of you, Mum and Dad. Thank you - and sorry I was such a goofy kid!’

Publishing a book in a global pandemic meant there were no book signings, no book tour, none of the things I had really dreamt of - visiting the small businesses and reusable nappy brands up and down our country (or across the world) to meet the people making a tangible difference to the future of our planet. I didn’t get to go out and raise a glass with a friend. I haven’t yet been able to see my parents either and put that book in their hands and say to them, in person: ‘all this is because of you.’ But I couldn’t let the moment pass without doing something, and so I decided I would wear my ‘party dress’ and read a few excerpts from the book LIVE on my Instagram channel. Every single person who tuned in - you were my party. Thank you so much, I had a blast.

If you’d like to see the recording from the LIVE, I’ve embedded them to watch below. What I would love is if you could leave me a comment on this blog post - it could be about the book, your reusable nappy journey, or even a question you have for me you’d be interested in hearing my perspective on.  (And of course, if you could buy a copy of the book, or point your friends and family in my direction, that would be pretty awesome too.)

Much love


(Author - just writing that one more time for good luck.)
